Basingstoke & Deane Community Leisure Trust was formed as a company limited by guarantee on 20th June 2005 and took over the operation of Basingstoke Aquadrome and Tadley Pool on 1 April 2006.


Our vision is the creation and maintenance of a first-class range of healthy leisure and recreational activities and facilities to serve all parts of the community of Basingstoke and Deane. 


We will work in partnership with the community and all relevant bodies including but not restricted to existing providers of relevant leisure and recreational activities, the Local and Parish Councils, County Council and potential funding partners.

The trust achieved charity commission registration in April 2006. (Charity Registration Number 1113491)

Basingstoke Aquadrome

Trust Objectives

  1. To promote participation in Sport and Physical Activities.

  2. To promote Rehabilitation, Prehabilitation, Cardio Rehabilitation, Health Checks and activities designed to improve mental health.

  3. To work with partners to promote Health and Wellbeing activities.

  4. To use our funds to provide community activities to make positive difference to people in the community.

  5. To maintain the quality and environmental standards of the facilities under the management of the Trust.